Combating Anthracnose from Years of Severe Infection….

Combating Anthracnose from Years of Severe Infection…. (Grower Testimonial) We had the opportunity to speak with an apple grower who has farms in California and Washington. For years, they had issues with anthracnose in apple blocks until we introduced them Magna-Bon CS 2005! Here is Eric’s testimonial… I just double checked the experimental orchard here […]

Research Trials Tackle Bacterial Blast in Cherries!

When conditions are favorable during cold, wet weather during bloom, bacterial canker and blast can be devastating to say the least! Jim Adaskaveg with UC Riverside describes the conditions below that lead to it. According to Dr. Adaskaveg, UC Pest Management Guidelines: Symptoms are most obvious in spring, and include limb dieback with rough cankers [...]

Research Trials for Almonds and Walnuts Video!

Dr. Jim Adaskaveg Research Trials for Bacterial Spot in Almonds and Walnut Blight in Walnuts Video! Videos are a great way to share our research without having to read extensive data. Below is research overview by Dr. Jim Adaskaveg regarding Bacterial Spot in Almonds and Walnut Blight in Walnuts! We appreciate you taking the time […]

Promising Alternatives To Antibiotic Fire Blight Control

Fire blight can be a devastating bacterial disease to apple and pear trees, no matter what region. For years, organic pear and apple growers have relied on oxytetracycline and streptomycin — two effective antibiotics — to protect their orchards. As of Oct. 21, 2014, both will no longer be options for them. The phase-out of […]