Crop Disease Rate per Acre
per 100 gal. of water

ppm’s (copper)
per 100 gal.of water



Bacterial Blight

64-128 oz.

250-500 ppm

Apply as a post harvest spray in seasons of heavy rainfall, apply a second spray when three fourths of the leaves have dropped. Use the higher rates when rainfall is heavy and disease pressure is high. If needed, aggricultural type spray oil may be added**.

Eastern Filbert Blight

24.0 lb.2

64-128 oz.

14 days3

250-500 ppm

6.0 lb.1

Apply as a dilute spray in adequate water for thorough coverage. Make applications starting at bud swell to bud break and continue at 2 week intervals or as needed until early May.Thorough coverage is essential. Use the higher rates when rainfall is heavy and disease pressure is high. If needed, ag type spray oil may be added.

1Maximum per Application Rate (lbs Cu2+/A)
2Maximum Annual Rate (lbs Cu2+/A)
3Minimun Retreatment Rate (lbs Cu2+/A)
*Not Permitted in California
Permitted only in Washington State and Oregon**