Crop Disease Rate per Acre
per 100 gal. of water

ppm’s (copper)
per 100 gal.of water



Fruit Rot

51.2 oz.

200 ppm

Make application in late bloom. Apply one or two additional applications at 10 to 14 day intervals or as needed depending on disease severity.

Rose Bloom

51.2 oz.

200 ppm

Apply three sprays on 10 to 14 day schedule or as needed as soon as symptoms are observed.

Bacterial Stem Canker

51.2 oz.

200 ppm

Apply post harvest and gain in spring at bud swell. Apply one or two additional applications at 10 to 14 intervals or as needed depending on disease severity.

Leaf Blight,
Red Leaf Spot, Stem Blight, Tip Blight (Monilinia)

6.3 lb.2

51.2 oz.

7 days3

200 ppm

2.1 lb.1

Apply delayed dormant spray in the spring. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals or as needed through pre-bloom.

1Maximum per Application Rate (lbs Cu2+/A)
2Maximum Annual Rate (lbs Cu2+/A)
3Minimun Retreatment Rate (lbs Cu2+/A)
*Not Permitted in California
Permitted only in Washington State and Oregon**